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The Comet 1825

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The loss of the Comet was the first steamboat disaster to inspire a nationwide production of broadsides. Songs about the event were printed in Gateshead , Wales and London. William Harriston (the author of the 'Rothesay Castle Steam Boat') wrote an epic poem about the event which he published himself in Glasgow. 



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Lamentation for the Loss of the Comet...

bar211: Dates 1825~1825|

Oh! heard ye the sounds of wailing and sadness

Lines on the loss of the comet

bar630: Dates 1825~1825|

A stain of music echoed o'er the deep

Loss of the Comet

bar631: Dates 1825~1825|

Story of the diaster

Steam-packet Comet, y, Can alarus yn...

bar527: Dates 1825~1825|

Welsh poem about the wreck

Loss of the Comet steam-boat.

bar629: Dates 1825~1825|

A prose description of the wreck and a set of verses focusing on the fate of the passengers

Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat

bar482: Dates 1825~1826|

Begins "Darkness is on the wave"

Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat

bar720: Dates 1825~1826|

A poem by William Harriston

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