Term | Main definition |
labbert(1) | meaning unknown
Hits - 414
ladys maid² | Ladys maid: A woman's personal maidservant [OED]
Hits - 559 Synonyms -
ladies maids² |
laith¹ | Meaning not known Presumably part of a power loom.
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Laking¹ | Playing (with); amusing oneself with [OED]
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Lamb¹ | Meaning not known Presumably part of a power loom.
Hits - 486 Synonyms -
Lambs¹ |
Lame_ducks¹ | Lame duck; one who cannot meet his financial engagements. (Stock Exchange Usage)
Hits - 495 Synonyms -
Lame_duck¹ |
lammas(1) | a festival to mark the wheat harvest
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Lang syne |
Long since (Tyneside)
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lang_syne¹ | lang_syne¹ : past times |
lanthorn¹ | A transparent case, e.g. of glass, horn, talc, containing and protecting a light. [OED]
Hits - 528
lard¹ | The internal fat of the abdomen of a swine, esp. when rendered and clarified, much used in cooking, and in pharmacy as the basis of unguent [OED]
Hits - 549 Synonyms -
hog's_lard¹ |
lauks¹ | Lawk-a-mercy= Lord have mercy!; [OED]
Hits - 520 Synonyms -
lawk¹, lauk¹ |
lave¹ | What is left over, the rest, the remainder, the others, of persons or things. [Dictionary of the Scots Language]
Hits - 491
lawn¹ | A kind of fine linen used for the sleeves of a bishop. Hence, the dignity or office of a bishop [OED]
Hits - 540
league(1) | 1 league = 3 miles (4.8 kilometers)
Hits - 397
leagues(1) | 1 league = 3 miles (4.8 kilometers)
Hits - 421
levers¹ | The levers used to control a steam locomotive, e.g. brake lever and reversing lever.
Hits - 450
lever¹ | Lever the control lever on a steam locomotive, used to control the timing of the admission of steam into the locomotive's pistons. By controlling this timing, the amount of power delivered to the wheels is regulated, as is the direction that the wheels rotate, giving the lever the alternate name of the reversing lever. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_Bar_(locomotive)]
Hits - 539
lever¹ | A lever used to mechanically operate points or signals [i]. A mechanical lever frame is shown below
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lighter¹ | Lighter: A boat used in loading or unloading ships and for transporting goods in harbour.
Hits - 521 Synonyms -
lighters¹ |