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Hence all vain thoughts and dreams of earthly joy,
While tears of sympathy profusely flow:
In mournful strains my Harp I will employ,
In musing o'er a Shipwreck Tale of woe;
For never since the burning of Old Troy,
Did company more sudden terror know,
Than those who in the Comet steam boat sail'd,
Where on that fatal night had mirth prevail'd


Twas midnight hour, the steamboat Ayr that gave
A death-stroke to the Comet, fled away;
Shrieks of despair; and piteous cries to save,
That pierc'd the rocks as Echo seems to say,
Touch'd not the stony hearts; two sailors brave
Had shown that hearts of human mould had they
In Deaths dread whirlpool the Comet's left,
Where ants people are of Hope bereft.


Confusion miserable, next ensues,
The yawl¹ is crowded, ere it is unbound;
No ready hand its bridling to unloose,
No knife to cute the cords at once is found -
The Captain calls, the engine's power to use,
To run the steamboat (ere it fill) aground-
The sinking prow shows dire destruction nigh!
Terrific shrieks of anguish rend the sky


Then down, head foremost, sinks th'ill-fated Boat,
With all its Crew and Passengers! the Brave,
The Fair, the Old and Young one common lot,
They find, an undistinguish'd watery grave;
Save, here and there some to the surface float,
And gasp for breath, some strive their lives to save,
By-catching at the yawl, that was upset,
When/ only four a sanctuary get.


While seventy Human Beings sink in death;
Still some to fragments of the luggage cling,
And hear with gurgling noise the last sad breath
Of drowning Swimmers-Death is yet on wing,
Still sinking now and then the waves beneath,
One more is conquered by the ghastly king-
Some struggle yet for life-Will help appear?
Did none th' appalling shrieks of terror hear?


Yes, (the Destroyer hastily had fled
Far off, to warm Humanity untrue.)
Two Dames in Gourock while they lay in bed,
Heard, started up, and cloaks around them threw:
By tender sympathetic Feelings led,
With eager speed they through the village flew,
And rous'd the sleepers in the dead of night,
Then to the beach they swiftly bent their flight.


And these with more than female strength, impell'd
By Pity, soon they launch'd the Fishers' boats;
And while the oars, for pushing off, they held.
The men came running with unbutton'd coats ;
As by the breeze the waves had ruttier swell'd,
They unequivocally gave their votes,
That the two clever kisses who had lent
Such aid, to wait on shore must be content.

When many little boats are quickly mann'd,
With the sweet hope of saving human lives,
All Gourock's in alarm, and from the strand
Men launch more boats, assisted by their wives:
Our damsels indefatigable plann'd,
To walk the shore-their generous purpose thrives-
A weary sailor swam towards the beach.
But overspent, the land he could not reach.


The worthy Lasses, blessings on their head,
Rush in breast high! and seize him by the arms.
And lead him to the village, where a bed
And choice refreshments soothe his mind's alarms-
Some boats arrive, more rescued sufferers led
T' experience Hospitality's pure charms,
Give more intelligence of the extent
Of loss in this calamitous event.


Here are four men, who seiz'd upon the yawl,
When they were struggling Death and Life between-
Here's one who strives to walk, but gets a fall,
And here's a tender Girl of raw sixteen,
Supported by a pole, who doff'd her shawl,
When full of water; like a sail was seen
Her upper garment which had partly caught
The wind, and save[sic] ashore the damsel brought.


A dog sagacious in her company,
Had given a strange assistance to the wind,
By pushing 'gainst the pole; in swimming he
Increas'd her speed, and when ashore, we find,
He followed her, and glad appeared to be,
To see 'her housed-to stay he was inclined;
But ere his faithful services were known,
He to the street unwittingly was thrown.


Here's a despairing Mother, who was borne
Upon the waves, supported by a box,
But the strong surge has from her bosom torn
Her Infant-now she tears dishevell'd locks;
She ever and anon begins to mourn,
For ev ry [sic] child she sees her judgment shocks.
Oftimes, alas! in mange distraction wild
From pitying strangers she demands her child.


There's none among the sav'd so recollective.
As Sutherland. the Carpenter, the Bold,
The Hardy Sutherland, who still reflective
From long experience, could not quit his hold
Of life without an effort. thus effective
Were his endeavours, gratefully he told.
That twice in Shipwreck 'he was sav'd before.
While many perished, he came safe ashore.


But mid these life-preserving efforts, where
Has gone the fell Destroyer, that gave rise
To this calamity-the Steam-boat Ayr
With little hurt in Greenock harbour lies-
Strange as the tale may seem, it was the care,
Of some who heard Death's agonizing cries,
That none should strive, to lessen all this harm:
They for assistance would not give the alarm.


Some hearts are made of adamant, some tongues
Are like to wither'd leaves, and this I'll prove,
They stir as winds of interest blow, the wrongs
Of fellow mortals cannot make them move-
To Honour's doings candour still belongs.
To manly Courage kind-affection'd love-
But from the Steam-boat Ayr the word has gone,
'The Comet's lost, and people sav'd are none.'


But soon we'll hear, what Sutherland declares.
The Carpenter who sav'd his life by swimming,
Free from Duplicity's degrading snares,
He tells the tale of honest worth beseeming-
Say, could ye think, when suffering Anguish spares
Remarks on those, of 'many still dreaming,
That Isom the bottom of the sea we've known,
True Witnesses conic forth, as will be shown?


Where Sutherland refresh'd in Gourock lay,
Enquirers came, to give the man a hearing:
Quo he, when we sail'd forth from Rothsay Bay,
As we by moonlight pleasantly were steering,
The Youngsters call'd the Pipers up to play,
And some danc'd merrily, till we were bearing
Close on the Clough; the moon began to sink,
And some went down to sleep, and some to drink.


Some sat in little parties on the deck,
Conversing on their various affairs
Grave Men, to keep young Levity in check,
Commended quietness mid our Earthly cares;
And some, apparently the circumspect,
Walk'd singly fore and aft, and some in pairs,
But all seem'd, more or less, in spirits high,
As we our destin'd port were drawing nigh.


When lo! a Steam-boat was descried a-head,
Advancing swiftly straight against our tack,
Then helm a starboard, hoping to proceed,
We call'd aloud, and bade them keep aback;
The Steam-boat Ayr came on with wicked speed
Anti stav'd our starboard bow with thundering crack,
And on our larboard paddle box swung round.
An Ark of safety then we might have found.


Then instantly the fatal word was given,
'Set on the engine' : in the Steam-boat Ayr.
Our boat began to sink, the cries to Heaven
Asended from the People in despair!
1 never shall forget them while I'm living,
Their dreadfulness no tongue can e'er declare:
The Steam-boat Ayr lay near, their latest breath
Implored them, to avert their present death.


Alas! twas all in vain-but when I saw
Our vessel sinking at the shatter'd bow,
And heard the deafening cries with shuddering awe,
Half-strpt,[sic] myself into the waves I threw;
The Stem-boat Ayr was hastening to withdraw:
I called on them to save me-well I knew,
They heard my voice, indifferent they lay by,
When sunk our vessel and its company.


A rare assemblage sunk to watery graves,
While to assist them was not in my power-
Now, solitary left upon the waves,
I swam, I knew not where, for half an hour;
Yet fresh Remembrance on my heart engraves.
The goodness of that company, the flower
Of variousbranches of Society.
Adorn'd that interesting Company.


Sweet were the Children, who lay fast asleep-
Fine Gentlemen of worth and sense were there:
I saw them all descending to the deep,
With Ladies young and beautiful and fair-
Again.' must assert, that I will keep
In mind their shrieks, that rent the midnight air-
Their hearts are made of adamantine stone,
Who in the Steam-boat Ayr stood looking on.


At last a light upon the shore I spied.
And thitherward I bent my watery course,
Although benumb'd with cold, and weak, I tried,
To find my way, my strokes had little force;
And when I reach'd the shore, I would have died,
But for your generous aid, to me the source
Of gratitude and wonder, and humility,
I'll neter forget our Gourock folk's gentility.


Thus ended Sutherland-Maclellan next
Resumed the tale of that distressful night :
Quoth he, whene'er I saw our doom was fixt,
And people running aft in wild affright,
All ranks, o'erpower'd with terror, intermix'd,
And for assistance call'd. in woeful plight!
I, much dismayed, ascended by a rope,
To look for safety at the funnel's top.


The little yawl while crowds in terror seek,
I heard their groans, and wailings of despair:
The sprightly Captain Sutherland, still meek;
Was talking with his peerless Lady there.
The bow began to sink, the fearful shriek
I heard, will ring for ever in my ear;
This Lady's exclamation mov'd me most,
'My God, my God, she's sinking-we are lost! '


I shudder'd in my station up aloft,
As down she sunk, amid their cries, so dreadful,
That in mine ear they're yet repeated oft,
But most when I'm asleep, for ever heedful
Of that fine Company, when Slumber soft
Would seal mine eyes, although of rest I'm needful,
I'd rather any chance amusement try,
Than sleep, to hear the loud heart-rending cry.


Though with our Steam-boat sinking down I went,
I to the surface instantly arose,
And struck on something, there afloat, that sent
Me down again-I thought my life would close-
I rose once more - even then had aid been lent,
So, many would not their existence lose ;
Surrounded by the Passengers and Crew,
I found myself, their number not a few.


Some clung to boxes, trunks or one another-
Dire was the struggle-soon the crowd grew less-
I saw a youthful Lady and her Brother
In the deep agonies of Death's distress,
And Children grasping hard their drowning, Mother,
While many sank, in clustering crowds I guess:
I swam away, at first, I knew not whither,
Till turning with the wind, I thus came thither,


But my sensations I can never tell,
When the sweet Music of the Human Voice
I heard around, while those who us'd me well
Made me amid calamity rejoice-
I'll pray with fervour, while on earth I dwell,
That Gourock's People may have blessings choice-
May success all their eoterprizes crown,
And brisk Prosperity exalt their town.



The day begins to dawn, the frith is clad
With boats, in all directions, trawling slow ;
While, now and then, another of the dead
Is lifted up-the northern breezes blow-
The noisy waves rush in, and then recede.
See corpses near the shore, a sight of woe:
Unwasted are their Countenances bright,
To take them hence, the gathering crowds unite-


To Gourock Church in decent order borne,
They're laid upon the seats, as if asleep-
Their number still increases, till, next morn
Their grieving Friends come there, to wail and weep-
Here lies a Wife, from tried Affection torn-
Alas! her Children yet ore in the deep:
With speechless agony, their Sire, bereav'd
Of Earthly joys, the doleful tale receiv'd.


The objects of his cares for many years.
Snatch'd from his view, have left him, to despond
In solitary sadness-it appears,
That of his children he was always fond
Now, melancholy, through this vale of tears,
He looks its dire calamities beyond.
And thinks, amid immeasurable grief,
The World's enjoyments ne'er can give relief.


A host of Mourners are assembled here-
A Mother fond deplores her lifeless Son;
A tender Sister mourns her Brother dear,
A new-made Widow weeps with piteous moan.
Spectators drop th' involuntary tear-
A lovely blooming Lass, in modest tone,
Bewails the promis'd Husband of her youth,
And tells his matchless worth and love of Truth.


Two handsome Brides are laid among the dead;
Their disappointed Bridegrooms mingle tears-
Mute are the tongues whose cheerful strains had shed
Joy through their hearts, and chas'd. the Lovers! fears:
Their hopes or warm Affection's joys have fled;
Alas; poor lads, they thought that many years.
Of happiness in life before them lay;
But now they droop, to cutting Grief a prey.


Here a young.Student, whose expanding mind.
A thirst for knowledge knew, the sight appals; '
He thitherward had sail'd, is hope to find
Bright Lore in Glasgow's academic Halls:
He, by his fond Relations, was design'd
A Teacher of Mankind-his fate recalls
To mind th' uncertainty of Earthly things,
And to the heart a striking lesson brings.


Beside him lies. his Sister fair and young,
Life's hue appears, to linger on her cheek,
She seems like one aseep the dead among,
With countenance expessive [sic], mild and meek-
So many lifeless Corpses in a throng
A serious warning to survivors speak:
More strikingly (than words can) they declare
Important truth, and show us what we are,


Here lies among the dead, the mortal part
Of one whose worth endear'd him to his friends;
John Herron was a man of friendly heart-
His eldest Son, it hopeful youth, attends,
And claims his Father-While his Mother smarts
Beneath this dire calamity, that rends
Her heart, a grieving Widow now she's left
With Children seven, and of their Sire bereft.


A lifeless -corpse, here lies th' accomplish'd Rollo,
Whose approbation flows from many a tongue;
He lov'd the paths of Rectitude to follow,
And to protect the poor from suffering wrong:
He could at once detect retentions hollow,
And vindicate the right by Reason strong;
He never us'd the quibbling points of Law,
The poor man's cash from scanty purse to draw.

Here lies the Piper of th' unlucky Boat,
Who tun'd his pipes on that eventful night,
Till he the thanks of all the youthful got.
As they danc'd briskly by the Moon's pale light;
Here lies a Lady, who was found afloat,
And had been brought ashore in life, but Fright,
Fatigue tad Cold had trench'd about her heart,
And made her spirit from its clay depart.


Here lies an aged Matron, who had been
Upon a visit to the western coast,
And had been gratified, to view the scene
Of early life (the country she had cross'd
That Oban, and Glenorchy lies between:)
But in returning She her life has lost:
Her Nephew lies beside her and a Lass
Who serv'd her long, and still respected was.


Here lies a hardy Sailor, who had oft,
Far o'er the Atlantic plow'd the watery way,
Who mid the storm had often gone aloft,
Drench'd with the rain, the sleet or flying spray:
He at the timid Landsmen oft had scoff'd,
Even in the face of threat'ning Danger gay;
Though he had weather'd many a stormy blast,
Near shore, though calm the sky, he's drown'd at last.


A Father here by yearning Grief constrained,
In silence drops a tear beside his Son,
His mind, by many recollections pain'd;
Regrets the loss, of one who had begun
So hopefully, and had experience gain'd
In Traffic, which has many fortunes won-
So far to see his parents, he had come
From Inverness, but never reach'd their home.

The remainder is missing

Find Song in Category :

first   Song Title Category CONCAT('',s.alias,'<\/a>')
A: A Custom House Breeze steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar733
A: A-Working on the Railway railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar015
A: Absent Minded Ganger railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar566
A: Absent-Minded Chairman railways/trades-unions-politics bar568
A: Advent of the Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway advent-of-the-railway
A: Aerial Steam Party fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar163
A: Age of New Inventions steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar621
A: Albion Mills On Fire industry/other-industry bar004
A: Albion Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar705
A: All Change for LLanfairfechan railways/railway-workers/porters bar005
A: Appeal to Non-Society Men, An railways/trades-unions-politics bar007
A: Are You Good Natured Dear steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar008
A: Ariadne Steam Packet steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar034
A: Awful boiler explosion at Bing bar012
A: Awful catastrophe at the Clayt railways/accidents-and-disasters bar013
A: Awful Railway Accident Between railways/accidents-and-disasters bar014
B: Baker's Glory, or The Conflagr industry/other-industry bar508
B: Band Was Playing as the Ship W steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar770
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/station-life bar021a
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/passenger-experience bar021
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/passenger-experience bar021copy
B: Be British steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar114
B: Beeching and After railways/railways-after-1845/beeching-and-after od027
B: Behind Time railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar694
B: Betty Martin Or The Steam Loo bar026
B: Bill's Length railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar693
B: Birmingham And Liverpool Railw railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar030
B: Bishopsgate Depot Fire railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar658
B: Blinky is Driving Tonight railways/railway-workers/drivers bar033
B: Blood on the Wheel railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar692
B: Boat That First Brought Me Ove steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar751
B: Bob Cruikshanks railways/railway-workers/drivers bar691
B: Bob the Groom roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar036
B: Bobby Walkstraight's Visit to steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar101
B: Bold English Navvy railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar513
B: Bowling Railway railways/passenger-experience bar040
B: Bradshaw's Guide railways/passenger-experience bar041
B: Branch Lines railways/railways-after-1845/branch-lines od026
B: Brief Respite railways/trades-unions-politics bar567
B: Brighton Railway railways/passenger-experience bar045
B: Brighton Steam Packet steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar046
B: Bubbles of 1825 fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar507
B: Burning of the Albion Mills 17 narrative-sets ns011
B: Burning of the Montreal steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar048
C: Cabman's Railway Yarn, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar049
C: Calais Packet, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar050
C: Camborne Hill od014-steam-coaches bar051
C: Carters and Railway Servants S railways/trades-unions-politics bar052
c: category: Use Song Title links newsflash category-use-song-title-links-on-the-right-to-show-a-song-details
C: Changes on the Tyne, The railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar054
C: Charitable Steam to the Nore steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar616
C: Charming Young Widow I Met in railways/passenger-experience bar520
C: Charming Young Widow I Met on railways/passenger-experience bar058
C: Cheap Excursion Train, The railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar059
C: Children's Games etc. children/childrens-games od0057
C: Clyde Steam Boats 1818 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar666
C: Clyde Steam Boats 1819 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar667
C: Coal colliery-railways od034
C: Cockneys Trip To Brummagem, Th railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar061
C: Collier Lass (The) colliery-railways bar504
C: Collision of Dublin and Belfas steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar592
C: Connaughtman's Adventures in D od014-steam-coaches bar613
C: Conveyancing od014-steam-coaches bar729
C: Cotton Spinners From Mancheste bar070
D: Dan O'Connell or Morris O'Donn fantasy-metaphor bar073
D: Danger Signal railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar074
D: Daniel O'Connell's Steam Engin fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar075
D: Dashing Steam-Loom Weaver bar079
D: Death and His Brother, Sleep od052 bar081
D: Death of John Thomas Hirst od014-steam-coaches bar743
D: Derivatives of the Cork Leg {R fantasy-metaphor/fantasy ds0001
D: Derwent Wagons railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar578
D: Dirge of the Dragsman roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar626
D: Disaster at Elliot Junction 28 railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar086
D: Doom of the Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar653
D: Dover Steam Packet, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar089
D: Down By the Dark Arches railways/station-life bar090
D: Dr Beeching railways/trades-unions-politics bar092
D: Dreadful Accident to the Irish railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar094
D: Dreadful Loss Of The Northflee steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar362
D: Dreadful shipwreck of the Nort steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar612
D: Driver of the Train, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar097
D: Drivers railways/railway-workers/drivers od036
D: Drowning of the Northfleet Imm steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar639
D: Dublin Steam Coach od014-steam-coaches bar099a
D: Dublin Steam Coach railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar099b
D: Dudley Station railways/station-life bar537
D: Dumbarton Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar706
D: Dummy Test Article 2 miscellaneous/frauds bar000-2
D: Duncan Weir railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar690
E: Eagle Steam Packet, the; or, a steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar106
E: Economies With Lights railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar102
E: Elwy Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar105
E: Engine Driver's Story, A Thril railways/railway-workers/drivers bar108
E: Engine Driver's Story, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar109
E: Epitaph on a Deceased Railwaym railways/trades-unions-politics bar368
E: Everyone to Their Liking steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar728
E: Excursion to Putney steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar112
E: Extemporare Stanza steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar714
F: Fall of Tay Bridge railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar660
F: Falmouth Railway Share Broker railways/railway-mania bar119
F: Fantasy fantasy-metaphor/fantasy od010
F: Fireman's Growl, The railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar122
F: Firemen & Guards railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards od037
F: First Break railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bat747
F: First Foot railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar746
F: First Reactions to the Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway od016
F: Five O'Clock in the Morning colliery-railways bar370
F: Flashie Steam-loom Weaver bar128
F: Foster's Mill bar285
F: Foundering of the Hibernia, steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar130
F: Four songs about the Opening o newcastle-and-carlisle-railway-ns001 ns001
F: Frauds miscellaneous/frauds od051
F: From Peter Strongbow, New York steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar056
F: Funny Doings at New Brighton steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar655
G: Gallant Twain, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar581
G: George Stephenson roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar535
G: Give Me A Ticket To Heaven fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar134
G: Glasgow and Ayr Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar135
G: Glasgow is Improving Daily railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar136
G: Glasgow Religion steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar738
G: Golden Stones of London steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar652
G: Good Old Days of Adam & Eve (1 industry/other-industry bar019
G: Good Old Days of Adam and Eve, general bar138
G: Grace Darling steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar518
G: Grace Darling (Poem by McGonag steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar649
G: Grace Darling (Roud 3811) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar517
G: Grace Darling (Roud V3151) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar519
G: Grace Darling (Roud V3152) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar496
G: Grace Darling and the S. S. Fo steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire ns003
G: Grace Darling or the Wreckers steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar497
G: Gravesend Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar633
G: Great Britain Ashore steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar100
G: Great Britain Stuck in the Mud steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar510
G: Great Eastern Steamship steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar727
G: Great Western, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar142
G: Greenock Railway ('Twas on a M railways/passenger-experience bar146
G: Greenock Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar711
G: Grimshaw's Factory Fire bar509
H: Halifax Thornton and Keighley railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar148
H: Handloom versus Powerloom bar149
H: Hanes y Llong a Elwid Llundain steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar529
H: Haswell Cages colliery-railways bar151
H: Have You Seen the Great Easter steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar726
H: Hetton Coals colliery-railways bar153
H: Hey! Ho! Can't you Hear the St steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar154
H: High Shields Goods Yard Lights railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar569
H: History o' Haworth Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar156
H: Holidays & Excursions by Boat steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water od035
H: Holidays & Excursions by Rail railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail od030
H: Hop De Dooden Doo steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar657
H: Howdon For Jarrow, Loup Out! railways/passenger-experience bar538
H: Humble Heroes railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar571
H: Husbands Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar754
I: I Stand and Watch the Trains G railways/railway-workers/drivers bar465
I: Impact of Railways on the Coun railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside od022
I: Impact of Railways on Towns railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns od021
I: Impact of Steam on Horse Trans roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport od015
I: Impact of Steam on Road Transp roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport od015r
I: Impact of Steam on Rural Life rural/impact-of-steam-on-rural-life od048
I: Impact of Steam on Water Trans steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport od038
I: In The Signal Box railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar178
I: Iron Horse, The railways/passenger-experience bar184
I: Isabella the Barber's Daughter steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar634
I: Islington Taylor, The Or The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar187
I: It Was In the Queen's County railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar598
I: Items For Children children/items-for-children od0058
J: Jeames of Buckley Square railways/railway-mania bar553
J: Jessie the Belle at the Bar railways/station-life bar193
J: Jim Crow's Description Of The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar359
J: Jim Dally railways/railway-workers/drivers bar688
J: Jim's Whistle railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar687
J: Joan o' Grinfield bar198
J: Jobson's Blunders, or Gas and steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar195
J: John Bull's Railway Station fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar196
J: John Gilpin's Steam Coach Excu od014-steam-coaches bar197
J: Johnny Green's Trip Fro' Owdhu bar199
J: Johnny Met Her on a Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar200
J: Johnny the Engine Driver railways/railway-workers/drivers bar201
J: Journey with the Railway from railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar203
J: Just What We'd All Like to See od052 bar547
K: Keelmen o' the Tyne steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar539
K: Kendal Fair railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar205
K: King Steam general bar206
K: Knott Mill Fair railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar668
L: Laborare Est Ovare railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar580
L: Lady of the Lake steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 bar749
L: Lamentable Lines on the Tay Br railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar210
L: Lamentation for the Loss of th steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar211
L: Last Train From Bacup railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar213
L: Launch of the Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar145
L: Launch of the Great Eastern (C steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar215
L: Launch of the Great Eastern (O steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar216
L: Leinster Lass steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar596
L: Lines on the loss of the comet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar630
L: Liverpool's an Altered Town railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar503
L: Llanidloes & Newtown Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar224
L: London Emigrant Steam Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar095
L: London sights od014-steam-coaches bar625
L: London Steamer, The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar226
L: Loss of the Atlantic Mail Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic bar651
L: Loss of the Comet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar631
L: Loss of the Comet steam-boat. steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar629
L: Loss of the Forfarshire steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar498
L: Loss of the Governor Fenner steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar231
L: Loss of the London steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar389
L: Loss of the London 1866 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london ns006
L: Loss of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar734
L: Loss of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar232
L: Loss of the Princess Alice by steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar735
M: Manchester's an Altered Town railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar240
M: Margate Steam Yacht (From Lond steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar242
M: Margate Steam Yacht (Tea-Kettl steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar628
M: Marquis of Bute Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar710
M: Mean-Minded Worker general bar583
M: Modern Railway Platform railways/station-life bar576
M: More Work for the Undertaker railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar252
M: Moses Of The Mail railways/railway-workers/drivers bar253
M: My Grandfather's Days railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar260
M: My Grandfather's Days railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar542
M: My Grandfather's Days steam-power-generally bar544
N: Nail It Down railways/trades-unions-politics bar575
N: Narrative Sets info narrative-sets narrative-sets
N: National Washerwoman fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar721
N: Navigators, the: (Railway Make railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar335
N: Navvies railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction od007
N: Navvy Boy railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar263
N: Navvy on the Line (Bury) railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar264
N: Navy Boys, The (Paddy's Green railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar306
N: New Invented Steam Carriage od014-steam-coaches bar267
N: New London Railway, The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar269
N: New Sang Tiv an Aad Teun steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar648
N: New Steam Carriage Blown Up, T od014-steam-coaches bar271
N: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar272
N: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar502
N: Newcastle & North Shields Rail steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar564b
N: Newcastle & North Shields Rail railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar564a
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar273b
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar273c
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar273a
N: Newport Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar716
N: Nobby Waterman, The steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar279
N: North Seaton Coachman fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar593
N: Nottman railways/railway-workers/drivers bar282
N: NS002 The Opening of the Newca newcastle-and-north-shields ns002
N: NS004 ~ Peart and Dean 1898 peart-and-dean ns-004
O: Oh What a Row steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 bar413
O: Old man you'll burst your boil general bar289
O: Old Wylie's Stone railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar291
O: Oldham Workshops industry/other-industry bar292
O: On the Britannia Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar709
O: On the Glasgow Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar707
O: On the Neptune Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar703
O: On the Old Ellenny railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar294
O: On the Sands (The weather was steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar295
O: On the Sands (To Brighton, one railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar296
O: Only a Pointsman railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar565
O: Onward ~ A Tale of the S.E. Ra railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar300
O: Opening Ceremonies railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies od012
O: Opening of the New Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar301
O: Opening of the Newcastle and C railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar643
O: Other Industry industry/other-industry od046
O: Other Metaphorical fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical od047
O: Other River Boats after 1850 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 od0056
O: Other Rivers Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 od0006
O: Other Seagoing Vessels steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels od042
O: Other Shipwrecks steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks od033
O: Oxford & Hampton Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar302
P: Paddy From Home children/childrens-games bar303
P: Paddy on the Greenock Railway railways/passenger-experience bar534
P: Paddy on the Railway railways/passenger-experience bar304
P: Paddy's Voyage to Glasgow steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar307
P: Parting, The railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar579
P: Passenger Experience railways/passenger-experience od019
P: Patent Steam Washing fantasy-metaphor bar308
P: Personal Accidents railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations od028
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar141a
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar141b
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar141c
P: Pointsman's Story railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar723
P: Poor Paddy Works On The Railwa railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar313
P: Porter's Christmas Eve, The railways/railway-workers/porters bar314
P: Porters railways/railway-workers/porters od009
P: Post Boy Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar715
P: Present Condition of British W industry/other-industry bar316
P: Present Times steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar722
P: Preston Steam-Loom Weavers bar318
P: Princess Alice Went Down steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar744
P: Public Concerns About Railway od052 od052
Q: Queen's Second Visit railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar645
R: Rail, the Rail, The railways/railway-mania bar321
R: Railroad To Hell fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar323
R: Railroad travelling or a roide railways/passenger-experience bar515
R: Railway Belle railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar326
R: Railway Calls railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar327b
R: Railway Calls railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar327c
R: Railway Calls fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar327d
R: Railway Calls railways/railway-mania bar327a
R: Railway Foot Warmer railways/passenger-experience bar328
R: Railway Footman railways/railway-mania bar329
R: Railway Guard, The railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar332
R: Railway King railways/railway-mania bar562
R: Railway Mania railways/railway-mania bar336
R: Railway Mania railways/railway-mania od020
R: Railway Omnibus miscellaneous/frauds bar337
R: Railway Porter railways/railway-workers/porters bar590
R: Railway Porter Dan railways/railway-workers/porters bar339
R: Railway Stag, the railways/railway-mania bar560
R: Railway Station Sandwich, The railways/station-life bar342
R: Railway To Heaven, The fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar343
R: Railway to Hell fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar344
R: Railway Truck railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar348
R: Railway Whistle railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar349
R: Railway, The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar350
R: Railwayman's Lament railways/trades-unions-politics bar353
R: Redundant Railwayman, The railways/trades-unions-politics bar358
R: Religion & Temperance fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance od049
R: Reply to Wordsworth steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 663c
R: Reply to Wordsworth railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway 663a
R: Reply to Wordsworth railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside 663b
R: Rid of His Engine railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar683
R: Riding on the District Railway railways/underground-railways bar365
R: Rival Steeds railways/railway-workers/drivers bar369
R: River Boats after 1850 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 od045
R: River Boats Before 1851 - Over steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851 od004
R: Rob Roy Steam Vessel steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar669
R: Rothesay Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar708
R: Rothsay Castle Shipwreck steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar489
S: S. S. Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar762
S: S.S. Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain od053
S: Safety Cord, The od052 bar066
S: Scenes of Manchester bar373b
S: Scenes of Manchester industry/other-industry bar373c
S: Scenes of Manchester railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar373a
S: Scotch Express from Ireland, T railways/railway-workers/drivers bar374
S: She Went Right Past Her Juncti railways/passenger-experience bar377
S: Shillibeers Original Omnibus v roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar378
S: Ship That will Never Return steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar603
S: Shop Windows or Amusements of steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar006
S: Shunters and Track Workers railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers od025
S: Shunting Pole Inspector railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar225
S: Signalman railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar681
S: Signalman On The Line railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar382a
S: Signalman On The Line od052 bar382b
S: Signalmen railways/railway-workers/signalmen od023
S: Song of Steam steam-power-generally bar393
S: Song of the Railroads fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar394
S: Song Of The Steam Coachman Tha fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar395
S: Sonnet on Steam roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar732
S: Stagecoachman's Lament roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar554
S: Stand To Your Post steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar016
S: State of Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar399
S: State of the Times industry/other-industry bar038
S: Station and Goods Workers railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff od024
S: Station Life railways/station-life od018
S: Steam Arm, The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar402
S: Steam at Sheffield general bar403
S: Steam Boots fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar404
S: Steam carriages by land od014-steam-coaches bar557
S: Steam Cigar fantasy-metaphor bar405
S: Steam Coach od014-steam-coaches bar624
S: Steam Coach (2) od014-steam-coaches bar624-2
S: Steam Coach (3) od014-steam-coaches bar624-3
S: Steam Coach old od014-steam-coaches bar624-old
S: Steam Engine Coffee Grinder industry/other-industry bar540
S: Steam Ferry steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar647
S: Steam Jobbing versus Greenwic steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar679
S: Steam Loom Weaver bar471
S: Steam Packet (A Short farewell steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar618
S: Steam Power Generally steam-power-generally od050
S: Steam Powered Road Vehicles od014-steam-coaches od014
S: Steam Soup Or Cuckoo Jack's P miscellaneous/frauds bar415
S: Steam Tongue, The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar417
S: Steam Tram Lines od014-steam-coaches bar418
S: Steam Watermen steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar419
S: Steam-ery steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar591
S: Steam-packet Comet, y, Can ala steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar527
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! od014-steam-coaches bar416a
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar416b
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar416c
S: Steamer Robert Burns steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar599
S: Stockton Bridge colliery-railways bar422
S: Stood at Clear railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar678
S: Strike Ditties I railways/trades-unions-politics bar573
S: Strike Ditties II railways/trades-unions-politics bar574
S: Study Economy railways/railway-mania bar425
S: Sunday Steamer Emperor steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar426
S: Sunday Working at Cheltenham railways/trades-unions-politics bar570
T: T'mill a'll go bar363
T: Taith Y Cardi O Landyssul I Lu railways/passenger-experience bar521
T: Tay Bridge railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar082
T: Tay Bridge Disaster railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar427
T: Tay Bridge Disaster (659) railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar659
T: Tay Bridge Disaster (661) railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar661
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, In Memor railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar175
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar428
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar429
T: Tay Bridge is Broken and I'm c railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar420
T: Textiles od044
T: The Anglo-Saxon 1863 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-anglo-saxon od0059
T: The Argyle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar712
T: The Atlantic 1873 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic od0054
T: The Burning of the Steamer Cit steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar610
T: The Clyde Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 od043
T: The Comet 1825 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet ns007
T: The Doomed Ship, Princess Alic steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar611
T: The Downward Line fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar091
T: The English Channel steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel od041
T: The First Steamers Between Lon steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851 od005
T: The Great Eastern steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern ns010
T: The Inverary Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar713
T: The Irish Harvestmen's Triumph railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar524
T: The Irish Sea steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea od040
t: the miners song, down amongst colliery-railways bar421
T: The Northfleet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet ns009
T: The President Steam Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar247
T: The Princess Alice Disaster steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster od0055
T: The Railway Platform railways/station-life bar338
T: The Spiritual Railway fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar396
T: The Tay Bridge disaster 1879 railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster ns008
T: The Ten Percent Question bar750
T: The Thames Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 the-thames-before-1851
T: The Tyne Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 od017
T: The Wreck of the Princess Alic steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar745
T: There and (Not) Back! steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar736
T: There's Danger on the Line fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar438
T: Third Class Traveller's Petiti railways/passenger-experience bar589
T: Thomas Port, Epitaph of railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar299
T: Thomas Scaife, epitaph of fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar501
T: Thoughts Suggested by the Loss steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar737
T: Three Hundred Years to Come fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar664
T: Titanic 1912 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 titanic-1912
T: Titanic Song steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar595
T: Traction Engine, The od014-steam-coaches bar444
T: Trades Unions & Politics railways/trades-unions-politics od031
T: Traffic Through the Streets od014-steam-coaches bar258
T: Train Crashes railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes od029
T: Trawden Bloeberry Cake railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar083
T: Trip to Richmond by Water steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar619
T: Trip to the Nore, A steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar617
U: Uncle Ned; or the Preston Stri bar662
U: Underground Railway, The railways/underground-railways bar456
U: Underground Railways railways/underground-railways od032
U: Unfortunate Victims Scalded to steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar602
U: Union Houses Must Come down an railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar458
V: Variant Set 015 ~ Railroad to fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance vs015
V: Variant Sets index variant-sets variant-sets-index
V: Variants of Bar030 ~ The Openi railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies vs001
W: Waiting for the Train railways/station-life bar464
W: Washerwoman's Lament industry/other-industry bar558
W: Watching The Trains Go Out railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar469
W: Waterloo Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar704
W: Watkin the Matter Be? railways/trades-unions-politics bar453
W: Weary Signalman railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar654
W: Weaver and the Factory Maid bar470
W: Western Railroad roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar473b
W: Western Railroad railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar473a
W: What Did She Know About Railwa railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar474
W: What I Saw in My Dream as I Sl steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar476
W: When George III Was King roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar545
W: When This Old Hat Was New roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar549
W: Why I Joined the A.S.R.S railways/trades-unions-politics bar577
W: Women's Rights in Southville railways/trades-unions-politics bar572
W: Wonderful Effects Of The Leice railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar480
W: Wreck of the Atlantic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic bar650
W: Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar720
W: Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar482
W: Wreck of the London (bar483) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar483
W: Wreck of the London (bar484) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar484
W: Wreck Of The Manchester Expres railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar485
W: Wreck of the Northfleet , The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar724
W: Wreck of the Northfleet , The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar486
W: Wreck of the Northfleet or Far steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar487
W: Wreck Of The Northfleet; Or, F steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar351
W: Wreck of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar488
W: Wreck of the Princess Alice (T steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar627
W: Wreck of the Steamer London steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar514
W: Wreck of the Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar067
W: Wreck Off London Bridge steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar584
Y: Young Man on the Railway, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar491

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