Traction Engine, The

Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

Song for children


I met an engine on the road,
All hot and heavy Hearted,
And this is what he said to me
As up the hill he started
"I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can
I think I can
I think, I think I can
At any rate I'll try it"

"He reached the top and looking back
To where I stood and doubted
He started on the downward track
And this is what he shouted
"I said I could
I said I could
I said I could
I said I could
I said I could
I said I said, I could
My friend you might have known it"

Find Song in Category :

first   Song Title Category CONCAT('',s.alias,'<\/a>')
A: A Custom House Breeze steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar733
A: A-Working on the Railway railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar015
A: Absent Minded Ganger railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar566
A: Absent-Minded Chairman railways/trades-unions-politics bar568
A: Advent of the Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway advent-of-the-railway
A: Aerial Steam Party fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar163
A: Age of New Inventions steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar621
A: Albion Mills On Fire industry/other-industry bar004
A: Albion Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar705
A: All Change for LLanfairfechan railways/railway-workers/porters bar005
A: Appeal to Non-Society Men, An railways/trades-unions-politics bar007
A: Are You Good Natured Dear steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar008
A: Ariadne Steam Packet steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar034
A: Awful boiler explosion at Bing bar012
A: Awful catastrophe at the Clayt railways/accidents-and-disasters bar013
A: Awful Railway Accident Between railways/accidents-and-disasters bar014
B: Baker's Glory, or The Conflagr industry/other-industry bar508
B: Band Was Playing as the Ship W steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar770
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/station-life bar021a
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/passenger-experience bar021
B: Battle Fought On The Shields R railways/passenger-experience bar021copy
B: Be British steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar114
B: Beeching and After railways/railways-after-1845/beeching-and-after od027
B: Behind Time railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar694
B: Betty Martin Or The Steam Loo bar026
B: Bill's Length railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar693
B: Birmingham And Liverpool Railw railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar030
B: Bishopsgate Depot Fire railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar658
B: Blinky is Driving Tonight railways/railway-workers/drivers bar033
B: Blood on the Wheel railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar692
B: Boat That First Brought Me Ove steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar751
B: Bob Cruikshanks railways/railway-workers/drivers bar691
B: Bob the Groom roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar036
B: Bobby Walkstraight's Visit to steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar101
B: Bold English Navvy railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar513
B: Bowling Railway railways/passenger-experience bar040
B: Bradshaw's Guide railways/passenger-experience bar041
B: Branch Lines railways/railways-after-1845/branch-lines od026
B: Brief Respite railways/trades-unions-politics bar567
B: Brighton Railway railways/passenger-experience bar045
B: Brighton Steam Packet steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar046
B: Bubbles of 1825 fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar507
B: Burning of the Albion Mills 17 narrative-sets ns011
B: Burning of the Montreal steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar048
C: Cabman's Railway Yarn, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar049
C: Calais Packet, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar050
C: Camborne Hill od014-steam-coaches bar051
C: Carters and Railway Servants S railways/trades-unions-politics bar052
c: category: Use Song Title links newsflash category-use-song-title-links-on-the-right-to-show-a-song-details
C: Changes on the Tyne, The railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar054
C: Charitable Steam to the Nore steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar616
C: Charming Young Widow I Met in railways/passenger-experience bar520
C: Charming Young Widow I Met on railways/passenger-experience bar058
C: Cheap Excursion Train, The railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar059
C: Children's Games etc. children/childrens-games od0057
C: Clyde Steam Boats 1818 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar666
C: Clyde Steam Boats 1819 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar667
C: Coal colliery-railways od034
C: Cockneys Trip To Brummagem, Th railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar061
C: Collier Lass (The) colliery-railways bar504
C: Collision of Dublin and Belfas steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar592
C: Connaughtman's Adventures in D od014-steam-coaches bar613
C: Conveyancing od014-steam-coaches bar729
C: Cotton Spinners From Mancheste bar070
D: Dan O'Connell or Morris O'Donn fantasy-metaphor bar073
D: Danger Signal railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar074
D: Daniel O'Connell's Steam Engin fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar075
D: Dashing Steam-Loom Weaver bar079
D: Death and His Brother, Sleep od052 bar081
D: Death of John Thomas Hirst od014-steam-coaches bar743
D: Derivatives of the Cork Leg {R fantasy-metaphor/fantasy ds0001
D: Derwent Wagons railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar578
D: Dirge of the Dragsman roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar626
D: Disaster at Elliot Junction 28 railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar086
D: Doom of the Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar653
D: Dover Steam Packet, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar089
D: Down By the Dark Arches railways/station-life bar090
D: Dr Beeching railways/trades-unions-politics bar092
D: Dreadful Accident to the Irish railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar094
D: Dreadful Loss Of The Northflee steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar362
D: Dreadful shipwreck of the Nort steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar612
D: Driver of the Train, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar097
D: Drivers railways/railway-workers/drivers od036
D: Drowning of the Northfleet Imm steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar639
D: Dublin Steam Coach od014-steam-coaches bar099a
D: Dublin Steam Coach railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar099b
D: Dudley Station railways/station-life bar537
D: Dumbarton Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar706
D: Dummy Test Article 2 miscellaneous/frauds bar000-2
D: Duncan Weir railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar690
E: Eagle Steam Packet, the; or, a steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar106
E: Economies With Lights railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar102
E: Elwy Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar105
E: Engine Driver's Story, A Thril railways/railway-workers/drivers bar108
E: Engine Driver's Story, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar109
E: Epitaph on a Deceased Railwaym railways/trades-unions-politics bar368
E: Everyone to Their Liking steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel bar728
E: Excursion to Putney steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar112
E: Extemporare Stanza steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar714
F: Fall of Tay Bridge railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar660
F: Falmouth Railway Share Broker railways/railway-mania bar119
F: Fantasy fantasy-metaphor/fantasy od010
F: Fireman's Growl, The railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar122
F: Firemen & Guards railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards od037
F: First Break railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bat747
F: First Foot railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar746
F: First Reactions to the Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway od016
F: Five O'Clock in the Morning colliery-railways bar370
F: Flashie Steam-loom Weaver bar128
F: Foster's Mill bar285
F: Foundering of the Hibernia, steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar130
F: Four songs about the Opening o newcastle-and-carlisle-railway-ns001 ns001
F: Frauds miscellaneous/frauds od051
F: From Peter Strongbow, New York steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar056
F: Funny Doings at New Brighton steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar655
G: Gallant Twain, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar581
G: George Stephenson roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar535
G: Give Me A Ticket To Heaven fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar134
G: Glasgow and Ayr Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar135
G: Glasgow is Improving Daily railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar136
G: Glasgow Religion steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar738
G: Golden Stones of London steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar652
G: Good Old Days of Adam & Eve (1 industry/other-industry bar019
G: Good Old Days of Adam and Eve, general bar138
G: Grace Darling steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar518
G: Grace Darling (Poem by McGonag steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar649
G: Grace Darling (Roud 3811) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar517
G: Grace Darling (Roud V3151) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar519
G: Grace Darling (Roud V3152) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar496
G: Grace Darling and the S. S. Fo steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire ns003
G: Grace Darling or the Wreckers steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar497
G: Gravesend Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar633
G: Great Britain Ashore steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar100
G: Great Britain Stuck in the Mud steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar510
G: Great Eastern Steamship steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar727
G: Great Western, The steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels bar142
G: Greenock Railway ('Twas on a M railways/passenger-experience bar146
G: Greenock Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar711
G: Grimshaw's Factory Fire bar509
H: Halifax Thornton and Keighley railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar148
H: Handloom versus Powerloom bar149
H: Hanes y Llong a Elwid Llundain steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar529
H: Haswell Cages colliery-railways bar151
H: Have You Seen the Great Easter steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar726
H: Hetton Coals colliery-railways bar153
H: Hey! Ho! Can't you Hear the St steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar154
H: High Shields Goods Yard Lights railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar569
H: History o' Haworth Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar156
H: Holidays & Excursions by Boat steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water od035
H: Holidays & Excursions by Rail railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail od030
H: Hop De Dooden Doo steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar657
H: Howdon For Jarrow, Loup Out! railways/passenger-experience bar538
H: Humble Heroes railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar571
H: Husbands Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar754
I: I Stand and Watch the Trains G railways/railway-workers/drivers bar465
I: Impact of Railways on the Coun railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside od022
I: Impact of Railways on Towns railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns od021
I: Impact of Steam on Horse Trans roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport od015
I: Impact of Steam on Road Transp roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport od015r
I: Impact of Steam on Rural Life rural/impact-of-steam-on-rural-life od048
I: Impact of Steam on Water Trans steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport od038
I: In The Signal Box railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar178
I: Iron Horse, The railways/passenger-experience bar184
I: Isabella the Barber's Daughter steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar634
I: Islington Taylor, The Or The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar187
I: It Was In the Queen's County railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar598
I: Items For Children children/items-for-children od0058
J: Jeames of Buckley Square railways/railway-mania bar553
J: Jessie the Belle at the Bar railways/station-life bar193
J: Jim Crow's Description Of The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar359
J: Jim Dally railways/railway-workers/drivers bar688
J: Jim's Whistle railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar687
J: Joan o' Grinfield bar198
J: Jobson's Blunders, or Gas and steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar195
J: John Bull's Railway Station fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar196
J: John Gilpin's Steam Coach Excu od014-steam-coaches bar197
J: Johnny Green's Trip Fro' Owdhu bar199
J: Johnny Met Her on a Steamer steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar200
J: Johnny the Engine Driver railways/railway-workers/drivers bar201
J: Journey with the Railway from railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar203
J: Just What We'd All Like to See od052 bar547
K: Keelmen o' the Tyne steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar539
K: Kendal Fair railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar205
K: King Steam general bar206
K: Knott Mill Fair railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar668
L: Laborare Est Ovare railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar580
L: Lady of the Lake steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 bar749
L: Lamentable Lines on the Tay Br railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar210
L: Lamentation for the Loss of th steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar211
L: Last Train From Bacup railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar213
L: Launch of the Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain bar145
L: Launch of the Great Eastern (C steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar215
L: Launch of the Great Eastern (O steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern bar216
L: Leinster Lass steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar596
L: Lines on the loss of the comet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar630
L: Liverpool's an Altered Town railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar503
L: Llanidloes & Newtown Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar224
L: London Emigrant Steam Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar095
L: London sights od014-steam-coaches bar625
L: London Steamer, The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar226
L: Loss of the Atlantic Mail Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic bar651
L: Loss of the Comet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar631
L: Loss of the Comet steam-boat. steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar629
L: Loss of the Forfarshire steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/grace-darling-and-the-s-s-forfarshire bar498
L: Loss of the Governor Fenner steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar231
L: Loss of the London steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar389
L: Loss of the London 1866 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london ns006
L: Loss of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar734
L: Loss of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar232
L: Loss of the Princess Alice by steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar735
M: Manchester's an Altered Town railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar240
M: Margate Steam Yacht (From Lond steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar242
M: Margate Steam Yacht (Tea-Kettl steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar628
M: Marquis of Bute Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar710
M: Mean-Minded Worker general bar583
M: Modern Railway Platform railways/station-life bar576
M: More Work for the Undertaker railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar252
M: Moses Of The Mail railways/railway-workers/drivers bar253
M: My Grandfather's Days railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar260
M: My Grandfather's Days railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar542
M: My Grandfather's Days steam-power-generally bar544
N: Nail It Down railways/trades-unions-politics bar575
N: Narrative Sets info narrative-sets narrative-sets
N: National Washerwoman fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar721
N: Navigators, the: (Railway Make railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar335
N: Navvies railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction od007
N: Navvy Boy railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar263
N: Navvy on the Line (Bury) railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar264
N: Navy Boys, The (Paddy's Green railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar306
N: New Invented Steam Carriage od014-steam-coaches bar267
N: New London Railway, The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar269
N: New Sang Tiv an Aad Teun steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar648
N: New Steam Carriage Blown Up, T od014-steam-coaches bar271
N: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar272
N: Newcastle & Carlisle Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar502
N: Newcastle & North Shields Rail steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar564b
N: Newcastle & North Shields Rail railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar564a
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar273b
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar273c
N: Newcastle And Shields Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar273a
N: Newport Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar716
N: Nobby Waterman, The steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar279
N: North Seaton Coachman fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar593
N: Nottman railways/railway-workers/drivers bar282
N: NS002 The Opening of the Newca newcastle-and-north-shields ns002
N: NS004 ~ Peart and Dean 1898 peart-and-dean ns-004
O: Oh What a Row steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 bar413
O: Old man you'll burst your boil general bar289
O: Old Wylie's Stone railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar291
O: Oldham Workshops industry/other-industry bar292
O: On the Britannia Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar709
O: On the Glasgow Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar707
O: On the Neptune Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar703
O: On the Old Ellenny railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar294
O: On the Sands (The weather was steam-ships-and-boats/holidays-and-excursions-water bar295
O: On the Sands (To Brighton, one railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar296
O: Only a Pointsman railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar565
O: Onward ~ A Tale of the S.E. Ra railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar300
O: Opening Ceremonies railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies od012
O: Opening of the New Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar301
O: Opening of the Newcastle and C railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar643
O: Other Industry industry/other-industry od046
O: Other Metaphorical fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical od047
O: Other River Boats after 1850 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 od0056
O: Other Rivers Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 od0006
O: Other Seagoing Vessels steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/other-seagoing-vessels od042
O: Other Shipwrecks steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks od033
O: Oxford & Hampton Railway railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar302
P: Paddy From Home children/childrens-games bar303
P: Paddy on the Greenock Railway railways/passenger-experience bar534
P: Paddy on the Railway railways/passenger-experience bar304
P: Paddy's Voyage to Glasgow steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar307
P: Parting, The railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar579
P: Passenger Experience railways/passenger-experience od019
P: Patent Steam Washing fantasy-metaphor bar308
P: Personal Accidents railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations od028
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar141a
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar141b
P: Pleasures Of Travelling By Ste railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar141c
P: Pointsman's Story railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar723
P: Poor Paddy Works On The Railwa railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar313
P: Porter's Christmas Eve, The railways/railway-workers/porters bar314
P: Porters railways/railway-workers/porters od009
P: Post Boy Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar715
P: Present Condition of British W industry/other-industry bar316
P: Present Times steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar722
P: Preston Steam-Loom Weavers bar318
P: Princess Alice Went Down steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar744
P: Public Concerns About Railway od052 od052
Q: Queen's Second Visit railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar645
R: Rail, the Rail, The railways/railway-mania bar321
R: Railroad To Hell fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar323
R: Railroad travelling or a roide railways/passenger-experience bar515
R: Railway Belle railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff bar326
R: Railway Calls railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar327b
R: Railway Calls railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar327c
R: Railway Calls fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar327d
R: Railway Calls railways/railway-mania bar327a
R: Railway Foot Warmer railways/passenger-experience bar328
R: Railway Footman railways/railway-mania bar329
R: Railway Guard, The railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar332
R: Railway King railways/railway-mania bar562
R: Railway Mania railways/railway-mania bar336
R: Railway Mania railways/railway-mania od020
R: Railway Omnibus miscellaneous/frauds bar337
R: Railway Porter railways/railway-workers/porters bar590
R: Railway Porter Dan railways/railway-workers/porters bar339
R: Railway Stag, the railways/railway-mania bar560
R: Railway Station Sandwich, The railways/station-life bar342
R: Railway To Heaven, The fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar343
R: Railway to Hell fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar344
R: Railway Truck railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar348
R: Railway Whistle railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar349
R: Railway, The railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies bar350
R: Railwayman's Lament railways/trades-unions-politics bar353
R: Redundant Railwayman, The railways/trades-unions-politics bar358
R: Religion & Temperance fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance od049
R: Reply to Wordsworth steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/other-rivers-before-1851 663c
R: Reply to Wordsworth railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway 663a
R: Reply to Wordsworth railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside 663b
R: Rid of His Engine railways/railway-workers/firemen-guards bar683
R: Riding on the District Railway railways/underground-railways bar365
R: Rival Steeds railways/railway-workers/drivers bar369
R: River Boats after 1850 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 od045
R: River Boats Before 1851 - Over steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851 od004
R: Rob Roy Steam Vessel steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea bar669
R: Rothesay Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar708
R: Rothsay Castle Shipwreck steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar489
S: S. S. Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar762
S: S.S. Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/ss-great-britain od053
S: Safety Cord, The od052 bar066
S: Scenes of Manchester bar373b
S: Scenes of Manchester industry/other-industry bar373c
S: Scenes of Manchester railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-towns bar373a
S: Scotch Express from Ireland, T railways/railway-workers/drivers bar374
S: She Went Right Past Her Juncti railways/passenger-experience bar377
S: Shillibeers Original Omnibus v roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar378
S: Ship That will Never Return steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar603
S: Shop Windows or Amusements of steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar006
S: Shunters and Track Workers railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers od025
S: Shunting Pole Inspector railways/railway-workers/shunters-track-workers bar225
S: Signalman railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar681
S: Signalman On The Line railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar382a
S: Signalman On The Line od052 bar382b
S: Signalmen railways/railway-workers/signalmen od023
S: Song of Steam steam-power-generally bar393
S: Song of the Railroads fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar394
S: Song Of The Steam Coachman Tha fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar395
S: Sonnet on Steam roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar732
S: Stagecoachman's Lament roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar554
S: Stand To Your Post steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar016
S: State of Great Britain steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar399
S: State of the Times industry/other-industry bar038
S: Station and Goods Workers railways/railway-workers/porters-and-other-station-staff od024
S: Station Life railways/station-life od018
S: Steam Arm, The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar402
S: Steam at Sheffield general bar403
S: Steam Boots fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar404
S: Steam carriages by land od014-steam-coaches bar557
S: Steam Cigar fantasy-metaphor bar405
S: Steam Coach od014-steam-coaches bar624
S: Steam Coach (2) od014-steam-coaches bar624-2
S: Steam Coach (3) od014-steam-coaches bar624-3
S: Steam Coach old od014-steam-coaches bar624-old
S: Steam Engine Coffee Grinder industry/other-industry bar540
S: Steam Ferry steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 bar647
S: Steam Jobbing versus Greenwic steam-ships-and-boats/impact-of-steam-on-water-transport bar679
S: Steam Loom Weaver bar471
S: Steam Packet (A Short farewell steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar618
S: Steam Power Generally steam-power-generally od050
S: Steam Powered Road Vehicles od014-steam-coaches od014
S: Steam Soup Or Cuckoo Jack's P miscellaneous/frauds bar415
S: Steam Tongue, The fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar417
S: Steam Tram Lines od014-steam-coaches bar418
S: Steam Watermen steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar419
S: Steam-ery steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar591
S: Steam-packet Comet, y, Can ala steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar527
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! od014-steam-coaches bar416a
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar416b
S: Steam! Steam!! Steam!!! roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar416c
S: Steamer Robert Burns steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar599
S: Stockton Bridge colliery-railways bar422
S: Stood at Clear railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar678
S: Strike Ditties I railways/trades-unions-politics bar573
S: Strike Ditties II railways/trades-unions-politics bar574
S: Study Economy railways/railway-mania bar425
S: Sunday Steamer Emperor steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar426
S: Sunday Working at Cheltenham railways/trades-unions-politics bar570
T: T'mill a'll go bar363
T: Taith Y Cardi O Landyssul I Lu railways/passenger-experience bar521
T: Tay Bridge railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar082
T: Tay Bridge Disaster railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar427
T: Tay Bridge Disaster (659) railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar659
T: Tay Bridge Disaster (661) railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar661
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, In Memor railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar175
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar428
T: Tay Bridge Disaster, The railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar429
T: Tay Bridge is Broken and I'm c railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster bar420
T: Textiles od044
T: The Anglo-Saxon 1863 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-anglo-saxon od0059
T: The Argyle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar712
T: The Atlantic 1873 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic od0054
T: The Burning of the Steamer Cit steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar610
T: The Clyde Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 od043
T: The Comet 1825 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet ns007
T: The Doomed Ship, Princess Alic steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar611
T: The Downward Line fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar091
T: The English Channel steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-english-channel od041
T: The First Steamers Between Lon steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851 od005
T: The Great Eastern steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-great-eastern ns010
T: The Inverary Castle Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar713
T: The Irish Harvestmen's Triumph railways/railway-workers/navvies-and-railway-construction bar524
T: The Irish Sea steam-ships-and-boats/seagoing-vessels/the-irish-sea od040
t: the miners song, down amongst colliery-railways bar421
T: The Northfleet steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet ns009
T: The President Steam Ship steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar247
T: The Princess Alice Disaster steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster od0055
T: The Railway Platform railways/station-life bar338
T: The Spiritual Railway fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar396
T: The Tay Bridge disaster 1879 railways/accidents-and-disasters/tay-bridge-disaster ns008
T: The Ten Percent Question bar750
T: The Thames Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 the-thames-before-1851
T: The Tyne Before 1851 steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-tyne-before-1851 od017
T: The Wreck of the Princess Alic steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar745
T: There and (Not) Back! steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar736
T: There's Danger on the Line fantasy-metaphor/metaphorical bar438
T: Third Class Traveller's Petiti railways/passenger-experience bar589
T: Thomas Port, Epitaph of railways/accidents-and-disasters/accidents-safety-regulations bar299
T: Thomas Scaife, epitaph of fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance bar501
T: Thoughts Suggested by the Loss steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar737
T: Three Hundred Years to Come fantasy-metaphor/fantasy bar664
T: Titanic 1912 steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 titanic-1912
T: Titanic Song steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar595
T: Traction Engine, The od014-steam-coaches bar444
T: Trades Unions & Politics railways/trades-unions-politics od031
T: Traffic Through the Streets od014-steam-coaches bar258
T: Train Crashes railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes od029
T: Trawden Bloeberry Cake railways/holidays-excursions-by-rail bar083
T: Trip to Richmond by Water steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar619
T: Trip to the Nore, A steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-thames-before-1851 bar617
U: Uncle Ned; or the Preston Stri bar662
U: Underground Railway, The railways/underground-railways bar456
U: Underground Railways railways/underground-railways od032
U: Unfortunate Victims Scalded to steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/other-shipwrecks bar602
U: Union Houses Must Come down an railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar458
V: Variant Set 015 ~ Railroad to fantasy-metaphor/religion-temperance vs015
V: Variant Sets index variant-sets variant-sets-index
V: Variants of Bar030 ~ The Openi railways/advent-of-the-railway/railway-opening-ceremonies vs001
W: Waiting for the Train railways/station-life bar464
W: Washerwoman's Lament industry/other-industry bar558
W: Watching The Trains Go Out railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar469
W: Waterloo Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-before-1851/the-clyde-before-1851 bar704
W: Watkin the Matter Be? railways/trades-unions-politics bar453
W: Weary Signalman railways/railway-workers/signalmen bar654
W: Weaver and the Factory Maid bar470
W: Western Railroad roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar473b
W: Western Railroad railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar473a
W: What Did She Know About Railwa railways/impact-of-railways-on-town-and-country/impact-of-railways-on-the-countryside bar474
W: What I Saw in My Dream as I Sl steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar476
W: When George III Was King roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar545
W: When This Old Hat Was New roads-general/impact-of-steam-on-road-transport bar549
W: Why I Joined the A.S.R.S railways/trades-unions-politics bar577
W: Women's Rights in Southville railways/trades-unions-politics bar572
W: Wonderful Effects Of The Leice railways/advent-of-the-railway/first-reactions-to-the-railway bar480
W: Wreck of the Atlantic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-wreck-of-the-atlantic bar650
W: Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar720
W: Wreck of the Comet Steam Boat steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-comet bar482
W: Wreck of the London (bar483) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar483
W: Wreck of the London (bar484) steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar484
W: Wreck Of The Manchester Expres railways/accidents-and-disasters/train-crashes bar485
W: Wreck of the Northfleet , The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar724
W: Wreck of the Northfleet , The steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar486
W: Wreck of the Northfleet or Far steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar487
W: Wreck Of The Northfleet; Or, F steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/the-northfleet bar351
W: Wreck of the Princess Alice steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar488
W: Wreck of the Princess Alice (T steam-ships-and-boats/the-princess-alice-disaster bar627
W: Wreck of the Steamer London steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/loss-of-the-ss-london bar514
W: Wreck of the Titanic steam-ships-and-boats/shipwrecks/titanic-1912 bar067
W: Wreck Off London Bridge steam-ships-and-boats/river-boats-after-1850 bar584
Y: Young Man on the Railway, The railways/railway-workers/drivers bar491

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